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2024 COURSE FINISHED - Group 3: Fostering Emotional Resilience in the Classroom EPV Summer Course (29 July – 9 August 2024)
Pre-Course Area
Group 3: Fostering Emotional Resilience in the Classroom EPV Summer Course (29 July – 9 August 2024)
Summer Course Terms & Conditions & Refund Policy
Important Information for Course Participants
Terms of Agreement & Disclaimer
Welcome from the Summer Course Director (0:44)
Your Professional Tutor
A Little Bit About You!
Policies, Initiatives & Documents Area
Optional Affirmations
Let's set the tone for a great course experience!
Module 1 - Theory and Self-Assessment
1. Course Progression & Monitoring
2. Introduction & Getting Started! (14:48)
3. Learning Record (IMPORTANT) (0:32)
4. Learning Objectives & Introduction (8:02)
5. Brain Architecture
6. Toxic Stress
7. The Science Bit
8. Theory (4:14)
9. Operant Conditioning
10. CBT (4:20)
11. CBT Example
12. Mindfulness (2:52)
13. Discussion Forum
14. Introducing Elmarie Tipper
15. Self-Assessment (4:31)
16. The Wellbeing Framework (26:59)
17. Written Task: Reflection on Self-Assessment
Offline Learning & Resources
Learning Record Reminder!
Module 2 - Creating a positive learning environment
1. Learning Objectives
2. Creating a Positive Space (5:12)
3. Pupil Wellbeing with Teacher Sarah Walsh (35:19)
4. Discussion Forum
5. Reinforcement (5:09)
6. The power of positive reinforcement
7. Conversation with Playtherapist CJ Brett (41:02)
8. End of Module Written Task
Offline Learning & Resources
Learning Record Reminder!
Podcast Recommendations
Module 3 - Class as Safe Space Zone
1. Learning Objectives & Resilience (2:50)
2. Resilience as a key to success
3. Building Resilience (2:29)
4. How Resilience is Built
5. Mindfulness Top-Up (4:51)
6. Five Finger Breathing
7. 4-7-8 Breathing
8. Reading Task
9. Discussion Forum
10. STEM (4:57)
11. Presentation Elmarie Tipper (18:03)
12. End of Module Written Task
Offline Learning & Resources
Learning Record Reminder!
Optional Movement Break
Only 2 modules left...!
Module 4 - Challenging behaviours
1. Learning Objectives & Introduction (5:40)
2. Autism - What we know & what we don't
3. Review your Physical Space (6:21)
4. Discussion Forum
5. Supporting Students (38:42)
6. Written Task: Case Study
Offline Learning & Resources
Learning Record Reminder!
Module 5 - Mental health education & self-care
1. Learning Objectives
2. Self-Care (10:18)
3. Teacher Wellbeing with Teacher Sarah Walsh (15:57)
4. Discussion Forum
6. Whole-school Wellbeing with Principal Robbie O Connell (12:39)
5. Reading Task
7. Written Task: Create a self-care plan
Offline Learning & Resources
Learning Record Reminder!
Rahoo Offer for Summer Course Participants - 50% off Teacher Savings Plan Course
Module 5 - End of Course Learning Assignment
6 Step Process
Learning Record Reminder!
Last few steps to course completion...
Learning Record Submission
EPV Certificate
Course E-Booklet
Refer a friend!
Complimentary CPD Webinar Access
Access to Private Teacher Sharing Group
Check out our FREEBIES!
DES Participant Evaluation Survey
Okay! We're really going now.. (0:08)
5. Supporting Students
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